Monday, 8 February 2010

I've arrived!

So, I'm sitting in a Lebanese cafe in the heart of Monrovia using wifi and drinking an iced coffee - would you believe it?! I even managed to skype my nearly-90 year old Grandad! Can technology be more amazing?

My first impressions of Liberia then - beautiful from the sky as we were flying in. It's incredibly green and lush. The coast looks idyllic and unspoilt. I can't wait to try it out! Monrovia, as a capital city, is busy and lively. The traffic is crazy, hardly moving in the rush hour. It's full of New York style yellow taxis and everyone seems to love their horns, so you're never too far away from the sound of beeping. And it's hot! But I've been told to enjoy it, because from next month the rains arrive and they don't stop until November.

I haven't managed to take any photos yet but I'll post some as soon as I can. I don't know whether I've got a clear enough idea of the capital to be able to describe it properly, but I'll try. Everyone seems to get around in cars or motorbike taxis. There isn't really any high-rise buildings, Monrovia seems to be spreading outwards rather than upwards. People live on the sides of the main streets as well on the side streets - small shacks or concrete buildings, often with their own shop or stall on the front. It's chaotic and loud and crammed full of people, but incredibly friendly and there's always music coming from somewhere.

Other than that, I haven't got much more to report. I have found out I'll be working at a brand new radio station for women though, something I'm really excited about. With a female President leading the country, women's issues are a hot topic here!



  1. Wonderful to hear from you and a Lebanese cafe - good stuff. Sounds like the place is buzzing - can't wait to hear more. Nadia xxx

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